Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Lan Yu Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lan Yu - Essay Example In this movie, Chen Handong who is a successful businessperson takes Lan Yu home with him just to have fun. He is clear that all he wants to do is have fun and they will eventually break up. In our society today such is the trend for the opposite gender couples. They are in it for the fun and not the relationship. Lan Yu falls in love with Handong but he finds out that the man is cheating which is the case for opposite gender couples. All form of couples can cheat and this is no different for the gay couples (Kwan, Lan Yu). Make-ups and break-ups are prevalent in opposite gender couples. People break-up and later in life, their paths cross and they decide to try it again. This is no different for the gay couples as seen in this movie. Handong is worried that Lan Yu has been caught up in the violence in Tiananmen Square and looks for him. This was after their first break-up and he takes him back. When anyone wants to settle they may have doubts about their current partner and this may spill over to refusing to settle down or changing the partner. This is an experience that is faced by both the opposite gender couples and gay couples. Handong has an affair with Jingping because he is not sure if he wants to settle down with Lan Yu (Kwan, Lan Yu). The movie Lan Yu has depicted homosexuality as a socially accepted norm where Lan Yu and Handong’s sister hold a welcome-home party for Handong. Hangdong’s family shows great support for the couple’s relationship. The real situation in china is different. Families due to the following reasons do not support LTGB groups in this country. According to tradition, a man must marry the opposite gender in order to have children, which is considered a very important aspect of life. The wife is also supposed to care for the husband and thus many families do not allow this kind of marriages or relationships to exist. Socially this is not acceptable and most families do not support the idea of one marrying

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Pulmonary Hypertension And Physical Therapy Health And Social Care Essay

Pulmonary Hypertension And Physical Therapy Health And Social Care Essay The aim of this study is to clarify physical therapys role in rehabilitating pulmonary hypertension (PH) patients, by explaining PH with regard to its history, etiology, prevalence, anatomy of pulmonary arteries, definition, subgroups, patophysiology, its causes, how it is diagnosed, and its signs and symptoms. History  Ã‚   Pulmonary Hypertension was first discovered in 1981 by Dr. Ernst Von (4), but it was already getting attention in 1970s in Europe (3), and in the 1990s PH arise again in the United States along with the release of weight loss drugs (3). The natural history of  primary pulmonary hypertension  was evaluated in the National Institutes of Health (NIH) registry from 1981-1987. Of the 194 patients included in the study, 63% were female and 37% were male. The mean age was 36 years, with no ethnic differences. The median survival after diagnosis was 2.5 years (2). Etiology Pulmonary hypertension can be a result of many conditions and drugs. These include: left heart failure (diastolic dysfunction), parenchymal lung disease with hypoxia, sleep apnea, connective tissue disorders, and pulmonary embolism (1). In addition using appetite suppressants such as fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine may be associated with an increased risk of P.H.; also cocaine or amphetamine ingestion may be another contributing factor (2). Prevalence One study has shown that the frequency of PH in adults is predicted to increase, based on the high proportion of pulmonary hypertensionrelated deaths and hospitalizations has occurred among adults aged >65 years, especially if the patient was diagnosed with chronic heart failure (6). Another study has indicated that PH is still rare, with a prevalence of 30-50 cases per million (7); the rate of primary pulmonary hypertension  is approximately 2 cases per million individuals in the general population; while secondary pulmonary arterial hypertension  is dependent on its etiology (2). Most of cases of primary PH are sporadic, but 10% of them are familial (2). According to the World Health Organization, idiopathic PAH is rare and has a prevalence of 6 per million in France. PAH that is associated with other conditions has prevalence of 15 per million (15); idiopathic PAH accounts for at least of 40% of cases, and associated PAH for most of the remaining cases. IPAH is twice as common in women as in men, with a mean age of diagnosis of 36 years (7). This prevalence is higher in specific risk groups: 0.5%, in HIV infected-patient, 0.5%, in patients with  sickle cell disease, and up to 16% in patients with systemic sclerosis (7). Pulmonary hypertension Pulmonary arteries It is critical to know the anatomy of the pulmonary arteries (PA), so the patho-physiology can be understood; the pulmonary arterys function is to carry venous blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs (9). It is one of the terminal branches of pulmonary trunk, and it is divided into the right PA and left PA (8). The RPA is longer than the LPA. The LPA pierces the  pericardium and enters the hilum of the left lung, but the RPA passes transversely across the midline in the upper chest and passes below the  aortic arch  to enter the hilum of the right lung(8). Definition PH is defined as high blood pressure in the lungs arteries and the right side of the heart (10), which can damage the lungs irreversibly, and cause failure of right ventricle(8). In normal individuals, the pressure in the pulmonary arteries is lower than the pressure in the systemic circulation, and if it has increased abnormally, it is considered as PH, which is due to constricted or stiffening of the pulmonary arteries (11). PH groups A patient, who has pulmonary artery pressure which is higher than 25 mm Hg at rest, and more than 30 mm Hg during activity, is considered to have PH (12). The world health organization has divided PH in to five groups (12). The five group classification is a new system, because PH used to be classified into primary PH and secondary PH (12). This new system is based on the underlying cause of PH (12). The first group of PH is pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH); it is divided into three subtypes: familial PH, idiopathic PH, and associated PH (1). Familial PAH is inherited and a person has it in his/her genes from parents (12). Idiopathic PAH has no known cause (12). The last subtype is the associated PAH, which is caused by different conditions, such as congenital heart disease, HIV infection, diet medications, drugs, toxins, portal hypertension, thyroid disorders, and connective tissue disorders (1, 12). The second group is PH with left heart disease (1, 11, 12). The problems that affect the left side of the heart are valvular heart disorders (mitral valve disease), and atrial or ventricular heart disorders (chronic high blood pressure) (11, 12). The third group is PH associated with lung disorders, hypoxemia, or both. These lung conditions can be alveolar hypoventilation disorders, COPD, chronic exposure to high altitude, developmental abnormalities, interstitial lung disease, or sleep-disordered breathing. The fourth group is pulmonary hypertension which is due to chronic thrombotic or embolic disorders, and it includes nonthrombotic pulmonary embolism (tumors, parasites, and foreign materials), thromboembolic obstruction of distal or proximal pulmonary arteries, and sickle cell anemia (1, 12). The fifth and last group of PH is the miscellaneous type (due to vario us other diseases or conditions), such as compression of pulmonary vessels by adenopathy, fibrosing mediastinitis, lymphangiomatosis, pulmonary langerhans cell granulomatosis (histiocytosis), sarcoidosis, or tumors (1, 12). Pathophysiology of PH As mentioned previously, PH occurs when the systolic and mean pressures in the pulmonary arteries exceed 30- 20 mm Hg, respectively (2). At some point, it hypertrophizes smooth muscles, remodels vascular walls and vasoconstricts vessels (1); this vasoconstriction is a result of increased activity of thromboxane and endothlin-1, which are considered as vasoconstrictors, and decreased activity of prostacycylin and nitric oxide as vasodilators (1). These changes and the imbalance in the production of endothelial-derived vasoactive-mediators are both vital for the causation of PH (13). The PH physiologic mechanism is either an increased pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) or increased pulmonary venous pressure (PVP) (1). The damage of the pulmonary vascular bed or vasocnstriction due to hypoxia can lead to increased PVR, but vascular obstruction can cause PVP to increase, and increased PVP will further injure the endothelium (1), and that will develop dysfunction of the pulmonary vascula r endothelium, which may worsen PH (13), because injury on the endothelium will activate coagulation at its intimal surface (1). Causes PH is the result of variety of factors and conditions, although in the case of idiopathic PH, the causes are not known (1, 12). Lung and heart disorders are the most common cause of PH(1). Examples are emphysema, failure of left heart ventricle, recurrent pulmonary embolism (1,12), scleredoma,(12), mitral valve disease, (13), pulmonary fibrosis, cystic fibrosis, sarcoidosis, Langerhans cell granulomatosis (histiocytosis), neurologic diseases involving the respiratory muscles (1), chronic low blood oxygen levels with  sleep apnea. Left-sided heart failure as a cause of PH will not happen unless one of the heart valves does not work properly, the left ventricle is stressed by high blood pressure, or a heart attack or some other disorder involving the heart diminishes the ability of heart muscle to pump (1). Pulmonary and lung arteries linings undergo change at cellular level, and these changes affect artery functions, leading to lung diseases and pulmonary artery changes which includ e tightening of arteries walls, or these walls get stiffened at birth or from outgrowth of cells, or blood clots in the arteries; all these will make it harder for the heart to pump blood through the arteries in to the lungs (13). Other causes of PH include dermatomyositis, systemiclupuserythematosus,  sarcoidosis,  human immuno-deficiency virus  (HIV),  advanced  liver disease, Sickle cell anemia (12, 13), use of anti-obesity drugs; cocaine  and  methamphetaminescan (1,12, 13), obesity with reduced ability to breathe (pickwickian syndrome) , extensive loss of lung tissue from surgery or trauma(1). Also PH can be genically inherited through parents (12, 13). Diagnosing PH In a patient suspected of having PH, diagnosis is confirmed with a family history, a physical examination, and diagnostic tests, and procedures (11). The physical examination is done by auscultation, inspection of swelling in the legs and ankles (11), examination of the jugular vein in the neck for engorgement, examination of the abdomen, legs, and ankles for fluid retention, and nail beds for cyanosis (13). Diagnostic tests include electrocardiogram (ECG), chest radiography, echocardiography, testing for connective tissue disorders and other conditions, ventilation perfusion scan, pulmonary function testing, and assessment of functional status, right heart catheterization (13), pulmonary angiogram, blood test, and over night oximetry (13, 11). If the ECG indicates abnormality, it suggests right heart failure (12), and may indicate right ventricular hypertrophy and strain (13), or presence of PAH. Abnormalities include right axis deviation, right ventricular hypertrophy and strain pa tterns, and right atrial enlargement (13). Chest radiography indicates any enlargement in the right heart ventricle or pulmonary arteries (11, 13), and it is mostly found with idiopathic PAH patients; however asymptomatic PAH has normal radiographic findings (13). The testing of connective tissue disorders is by serologic testing, and to test the presence of conditions such as scleroderma, CREST syndrome mixed connective tissue disorder, and systemic lupus erythematosus (13). Ventilation perfusion scan is another diagnostic tool to detect blood clots in pulmonary arteries (11, 12) and it is used to diagnose and differentiate between thrombo-embolic PH and idiopathic PH (11, 13), with sensitivity of 90% to 100%, and specificity of 94% to 100% (13). Pulmonary function testing is used to diagnose chronic obstructive disease (COPD), which can be a cause of PH (11, 12); it is also used exclude airway and parenchymal lung diseases, which can contribute to the development of pulmonary hype rtension, but these findings are not specific (13). The functional status of PH patient should be assessed with a 6-minute walk test and cardiopulmonary exercise test (12, 13); the 6-minute walk test determines exercise tolerance level and blood oxygen saturation level during exercise (16). A cardiopulmonary exercise test measures heart and lung functions during exercise on a bicycle or treadmill (12). The gold standard to confirm the diagnosis of P.H. is right heart catheterization (11); it is useful in assessing the severity of pulmonary hypertension (13). It is done by inserting a catheter into the femoral nerve or into the subclavian nerve. The catheter is connected to a device that can monitor and measure blood pressure in the right side of the heart and pulmonary arteries (11). Right-heart catheterization can also determine mean pulmonary artery pressure, mean right atrial pressure, and cardiac index; another use of it is excluding other etiologies of pulmonary hypertension, s uch asintracardiac shunting and left-sided heart disease (13). The response of certain medications, such as acute vasodilators, can be assessed during right heart catheterization (11, 13). Other additional tests used in diagnosing PH are various types of blood testing. These are complete metabolic panel (CMP) to examine liver and kidney function, autoantibody blood tests, such as ANA, ESR, and others to screens for collagen vascular diseases, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) screening, HIV test, arterial blood gases (ABG), complete blood count (CBC) to test for infection, elevated hemoglobin, and anemia, and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) (16). To detect sleep apnea nocturnal oximetry or overnight oximetry may be used; it is common to have low oxygen level during sleep with P.H. patient (12, 13, 16). Signs and symptoms In the early stage, PH is asymptomatic or have no specific signs or symptoms (11, 14). These symptoms and signs include cough, fatigue (11) dizziness, fainting and a bluish cast on lips and skin (14), shortness of breath, tiredness, chest pain, a racing heartbeat, feeling lightheaded, swelling in legs and ankles (12). These can be indications for any other disease. As a consequence of non-specificity, diagnosis will be delayed; and the mean time from symptom onset to diagnosis is about two years (13). The symptoms of PH are manifestations of impaired oxygen transport and reduced cardiac output, and the most frequent symptom is dyspnea, which occurs in 60% of patients (13). As symptoms advance, patients complain of dyspnea, exercise intolerance, fatigue, chest pain, and angina (13, 11). Most PH patients get right ventricular hypertrophy, followed by dilation and right ventricular heart failure (1). The symptoms of right heart failure include peripheral edema, abdominal distension, dec reased appetite, early satiety, profound dyspnea, exercises intolerance (13). Other signs include systolic ejection murmur across the pulmonary valve, increased jugular venous pressure, tricuspid regurgitation, hepatomegaly and ascites, and peripheral edema (13). Other physical signs are cyanosis (point of presence of right to left shunting), decreased cardiac output, impairment in intrapulmonary gas transfer, and pulmonary congestion and left sided heart disease, while decreased breath sounds and wheezing are suggestive of fibrosis and pulmonary parenchymal disease (13). Treatment The medical treatment program starts with the avoidance of activities that may exacerbate condition (1), and it is generally includes taking medications, making lifestyle and dietary changes, and maybe having surgery (16). Medications are also used, depending on the type and severity of PH (16). PAH is treated by oral Ca channel blockers (verapamil), endothelin-receptor antagonist (bosentan-ambrisentan- sildenafil  ), ,  digoxin,  diuretics, and oral  anticoagulants (1, 4). The other PH types  involve management of the underlying disorder. Patients with pulmonary hypertension from left-sided heart disease may need surgery for valvular disease. Patients with lung disorders and hypoxia benefit from supplemental O2 as well as treatment of the primary disorder.Patients with severe pulmonary hypertension secondary to chronic thromboembolic disease should be considered for pulmonary thromboendarterectomy. Under cardiopulmonary bypass, organized endothelialized thrombus is dissected along the pulmonary trunk in a procedure more complex than acute surgical embolectomy (1). Vasoactive substances in general are used in treating different groups of PH. This category of medications includes prostaglandins, endothelin receptor antagonists, phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors, and activators of soluble guanylate cyclase (4). The surgical solution can be one of these options, either atrial septostomy, lung transplantation, or pulmonary thromboendarterectomy (4, 16). PT role The PT role in PH is more rehabilitative in nature more than therapeutic, and it has different programs customized to each patient, and depends on the clinic or hospital approach. Pulmonary rehabilitation, according to Salt lake regional medical centre, is an outpatient program which will help the patients to learn lung self care, and easier breathing (19). In this centre, complete diagnostic testing is provided, and it includes ECG, chest x-ray, echocardiogram, pulmonary function tests, 6-minute walk tests, nuclear lung scan, CT scanning of the chest, right heart catheterization (19). In the North West therapy centre, assessment is done at the beginning by a team, including respiratory therapist, physical therapist, and  social worker. The respiratory therapist focuses on breathing mechanics, education, aerobic conditioning and endurance for improved efficiency, pacing, and medication mechanics. The physical therapist helps in strengthening exercise, balance training, walking mech anics, postural education, energy conservation, assigning a home exercise program to maintain strength and coordination gains, looking for orthopedic complications to therapy, and makes appropriate adjustment to plans of treatment. The last member of the team is the social worker who is considered as a resource center for services in community. These services include helping in smoking cessation, supporting for adjustment, grief, depression, and socialization disorders, weight management, nutrition support, and cognitive behavioral therapy (20). Pulmonary rehabilitation (21) Since physical therapy provides rehabilitation role, the PH patient should go through a pulmonary rehabilitation program, which is an individually designed intervention program, including exercise  and education that helps patients manage the symptoms of their condition and improve their level of daily functioning and well-being (3). This program will be discussed from different aspects its purpose, basic components, precaution, process, patient preparation, and expected results. The goals The purpose of this program is to help increase the fitness level of the patient and independent functioning, reduce dyspnea, slow down or prevent the development of disease, and improve quality of life. Pulmonary rehabilitation and cardiac rehabilitation walk complement each other because the main purpose of cardiac rehabilitation is to reverse the de-conditioning and psychosocial enhancements of pulmonary disability. Components Pulmonary rehabilitation has basic treatment components and they are breathing exercise, coughing, percussion, postural drainage, and vibration. Breathing exercise helps in removing secretions, relaxation, and to increase thoracic cage mobility. This exercise is done by teaching the patient to produce a full inspiration followed by a controlled expiration, while placing a hand at the end of rib cage and under the chest for sensory feedback. Coughing is also for secretion removal but from larger airways and it is done through steps. The patient should inhale, close the glottis, contract the expiratory muscle, then open the glottis. Both breathing exercise and coughing are done when the patient restore the ability to breath normally. Percussion is usually used with postural drainage and both are used to mobilize secretions retained in lungs. Percussion is a rhythmic clapping of cupped hands over bare skin or thin material covering area of lung involvement, performed during inspiration and expiration. Postural drainage is a technique that involves gravity by positioning the patient to have the involved lung segment be the uppermost, which will assist in mobilizing the secretions. Another therapeutic technique is vibration, which is intermittent chest wall compression over area of lung involvement, performed during expiration only, and used along with postural drainage. The later three techniques are used when coughing or suctioning, breathing exercises, and patient mobilization are not adequate to clear retained secretions. Precautions and contraindications As with any other treatment precautions and contraindications should be taken in consideration in case of PH patients during their rehabilitation program. A patient should get full medical examination before setting the program. In some cases when a patient has a medical issue, it may interfere with the treatment and limit the exercises. In this case, the program should be modified. Conditions that may contraindicate participation in pulmonary rehabilitation include acute respiratory  infection,  ischemic cardiac disease, congestive  heart failure,  serious  liver  dysfunction, disabling stroke, severe psychiatric or cognitive disorders, severe pulmonary hypertension,  and metastatic  cancer. Rehabilitation process Pulmonary rehabilitation is a punitive, expansive program of education, exercise, and behavior alteration, individually designed for patients with lung diseases. The rehabilitation program is designed to help patients learn more about their condition and how to concert its symptoms, as well as to take active steps, such as smoking cessation, oxygen use, and exercise. This program aims to improve the patients level of physical functioning, stop the advancement of the disease as much as possible, and learn how to better live with the condition. Improved physical functioning, reduction in the symptoms of the disease, and ability to fulfill activities of daily living (ADLs) more easily and independently can add to improved quality of life. Rehabilitation program A typical program takes a few weeks to a few months, and takes to three hours per session for a few days each week. During these sessions the patient should learn to manage the program independently, as home program. Patients participating in rehabilitation could be inpatients or outpatients. A daily program should consist of two main components, and they are exercise and education. The purpose of the exercise is to maintain or improve muscle strength, endurance and overall fitness. In order to prescribe an exercise, blood pressure, heart  rate, oxygen saturation, and dyspnea levels should be evaluated, also exercise has to be monitored by physical therapists, respiratory nurses, or other qualified health care providers. A regular exercise program can upgrade overall fitness and energy, and make fulfillment of ADLs easier. The exercise program includes periods of warm-up and cool-down period, and aerobic activity. The warm-up and cool-down periods may include stretching and light strength or resistance training. Exercises involving upper and lower extremities are important for general fitness and for improvement in function during different activities. Some of the muscle groups used in arm and upper torso positioning serve respiratory functions, and thus upper limb exercises can also have a profitable effect on ventilation. The aerobic exercise component is composed of activities such as walking or using a stationary bicycle, treadmill, or other equipment. Exercise is controlled by physical therapists, respiratory nurses, or other qualified health care member. Ventilatory training may also be involved in the exercise program for certain patients. This therapy involves controlled breathing exercises,  chest physical therapy  techniques such as postural drainage, chest percussion, directed cough, and vibration, and training of the inspiratory muscles. The educational component of the rehabilitation program consists of classes, manuals, and counseling or training sessions that cover different subjects, procedures, and issues, which concern patients with PH or any other chronic pulmonary disease. Education is provided by a brand of professionals, including respiratory nurses, respiratory therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, social workers, and dieticians. A psychologist or other mental health professional may provide counseling and direction to address mark depression, anxiety, and social isolation, which are related to symptoms of pulmonary disease. Some of the educational subjects covered include anatomy and physiology related to pulmonary function and disease, exercise theory,  nutrition,  techniques for using oxygen and inhalers, and ways to conserve energy. Education related to proper nutrition and weight control can be helpful, because patients may be undernourished and have muscle wasting of the respi ratory muscles, which can make breathing more difficult. If anemia is present, it can decrease oxygen-carrying capacity. Electrolyte imbalances affect cardiopulmonary performance, so these and other deficits should be treated in order to enhance functioning. If patients are overweight, the extra weight increases oxygen and energy consumption and may increase fatigue. Patients who have not yet ceased smoking should be strongly encouraged to do so. Patient preparation After being referred and examined by a physician, a medical history of the patient should be taken by the rehabilitation team, and some tests must be done prior to the rehabilitation program. These tests are pulmonary function tests (PFTs), chest X-rays, arterial  blood  gas (ABG) analysis, pulse oximetry, and sputum examination. PFTs are performed with a spirometer to measure lung performance and indicate the presence and extent of lung disease. A chest X-ray can show emphysema and other lung disease, including  lung cancer,  for which there is increased risk among smokers with pulmonary disease. Pulse oximetry helps determine when supplemental oxygen is required and measures oxygen in the blood. Exercise tests may be used to prescribe the length and intensity of the exercise. Expected complications Risk of complications such as muscle injury or cardiac reactions is always come up with exercise, but will be eliminated by careful exercise prescription and monitoring. Disease-related complications that should be monitored include  fever,  unusual or extreme shortness of breath, irregular pulse, unanticipated weight changes, gastric complaints, or any other change that is unusual for the patient. Conclusion Pulmonary hypertension is indicated when pulmonary artery pressure is higher than 25 mm Hg at rest, and more than 30 mm Hg during activity. PH is due to constricted or stiffening of the pulmonary arteries. PH is classified in to five groups, based on the underlying cause. PH is asymptomatic or has no specific signs or symptoms, but later, the patient may complain of dyspnea, exercise intolerance, fatigue, chest pain, and angina. PH treatment protocol consists of making lifestyle and dietary changes, medications, rehabilitation program, and maybe having surgery. Physical therapy plays an important role in rehabilitating PH patients. PT aims to help increase the fitness level of the patient and independent functioning, through exercise programs and education.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Is Antigone A Tragic Play Essay example -- essays research papers

Is Antigone a tragic play as defined by Aristotle?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Antigone is not a tragic play. Rather it is a theological debate spawned by Sophocles, a debate that is still raging today, the debate of who holds the higher law, the Gods or the State. While this debate has slowly twisted into Church versus State, which is a very different argument, the highest questions still remain the same: Which one is held higher in men’s (and women’s) hearts? Antigone answers this question with shocking clarity in her admission of guilt to Creon, â€Å" I should have praise and honor for what I have done. All these men here would praise me, were their lips not frozen shut with fear of you. Ah, the good fortune of kings, licensed to say and do whatever they please! C: you alone are in that opinion. A: No, they are with me, But they keep their tongues in leash.† By saying thus, Antigone is proclaiming all everyone holds the laws of the Gods higher than the laws of the State, unless the State is the more immediate threat.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  But this all raises another question, does the law of the Gods really matter? Will the Gods truly beseech you and seek to bring you harm for not following in their ways? One who is not so religious would say no, it is not the Gods who hold the sword at your throat but a man, who at that moment cares nothing for the Gods. But in the case of Antigone, the Gods do act out their revenge. Tireseas spake:...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Hair Weaving The Mathematical Connection

This survey examines the mathematics behind hair weaving. The observation is conducted in a little salon in Decatur, Georgia. The stylist utilizations math on a day-to-day footing. The range of the mathematics in this survey is merely focused on a little facet that occurs daily in a salon. The mathematics that is involved includes: fractals, transmutation, perimeter, numeration, appraisal, anticipation, measuring, ratios, angles, and add-on. In add-on, the survey demonstrates the importance of utilizing civilization in the schoolroom, and literature that has successfully implemented activities affecting hair gold braid and other African parts.Context of the StudyIntegrating civilization into schoolrooms is really of import. One pattern that is common in the African American civilization is hair lacing and hair weaving, where hair gold braid is a really of import measure in the hair weaving procedure. These peculiar manners are apparent in all schoolrooms across the state. Since the h airdos are prevailing in schools, associating hair weaving to curriculums will actuate the pupils ( Gilmer, 2004 ) . The pupils can function as theoretical accounts. Making the pupils a portion of the lesson will further peer interaction and construct self esteem ( Gilmer, 2004 ) . In add-on, hair weaving will supply a connexion to history. This connexion will supply the chance to larn mathematics in a contextual signifier that African American pupils are familiar with. In add-on, since hair gold braid and hair weaves are a current manner tendency, this tendency can present the historical parts of the African civilization to pupils as good, redesigning the current bringing of mathematical direction ( Weiger, 2000 ) . The fact-finding processs involved in utilizing conceptual mathematics will beef up the African American pupil ‘s critical thought, job resolution, and communicating accomplishments because the pupils are utilizing and discoursing the mathematics.Research Question sThrough the literate reappraisal and the analysis of informations, the undermentioned inquiries will be answered at the terminal of this ethnographic survey: What is the relationship between hair weaving ( sew- in ) and mathematics? How make you use the historical manner parts of ancient Africans to motivate motive amongst African American young person? How make you utilize the civilization of hair to actuate African American young persons? Why is it of import to incorporate civilization and instruction? How make you place the mathematical constructs in hair gold braid and hair weaving?Concise Literature ReviewAfrican Americans take pride in their hair and their visual aspect. This is apparent in the billion dollar hair industry with adult females, work forces and kids lending to the net incomes ( Chris Rock ‘s Good Hair, 2009 ) . The billion dollar industry contains weaves, hair attention merchandises, and hair attention tools. African American adult females can pass 1000s of dollars on one weave session. Since so much accent is placed on hair, the research of schoolroom use by Gloria Gilmer ( 1998 ) is of import to African Americans. During Gloria Gilmer ‘s look intoing into hair manners of African American adult females, geometric designs and forms were discovered in the gold braid procedure ( Gilmer, 1998 ) . After farther probe, the constructs of tessellations were identified in the gold braid forms of the participants. The tessellations were easy seeable in the expo sure provided in the survey. Another research worker connected the forms of hair lacing to the transmutations besides ( Eglash, 2004 ) . On the website provide by Ron Eglash cornrow plaits translate, reflect, rotate, and distend Y forms in which the Y resembles a plait stitch ( 2004 ) . Pamela Frost discovered that African fractals are non limited to hair gold braid, but can be extended to calculate artworks, genetic sciences, and biological science ( 1999 ) . Since hair gold braid contains common taught mathematical constructs, implementing the construct is an easy undertaking. Teachers do non hold to buy extra merchandises to implement the construct, since paper and pencils can be utilized to look into fractals. It is noted that â€Å" pupils can still larn about fractals utilizing common school supplies † ( Frost, 1999 ) . Teachers do non hold to research a batch of information about hair gold braid and hair weaving. African American pupils come with anterior cognition about hair gold braid and hair weaving, associating their anterior cognition to geometry and fractals can help in â€Å" building their ain individualities † ( Frost, 1999 ) . Besides instructors can be provided with pre-written activities about the connexion of hair gold braid and mathematics ( Frost, 1999 ) . An of import facet of utilizing hair lacing in the schoolroom is to help in the development of African American pupils and other minorities. It has been noted that Ethnomathematics such as forms in hair lacing â€Å" respond to the demands of increasing Numberss of pupils who feel like failures for non understanding † ( Gilmer, 2004 ) . African American pupils will see little success by lending information that they are familiar with. In the current educational systems mathematics is used to hike trial tonss, so pupil can accomplish a certain position ( Gilmer, 2004 ) . Often in this procedure minority pupils are left behind in mathematics. In other to level the playing field in mathematics, utilizing Ethnomathematics that involves cultural constructs such as hair gold braid and hair weaving will give the pupils the power to â€Å" spot and look into † which engages pupils ( Gilmer, 2004 ) . Student engagement aids with treating information into memory ( Woolfolk, 2004 ) . With battle, comes larning. African American pupils will hold the chance to larn mathematics and reassign the acquisition to trials and other acquisition activities ( Gilmer, 2004 ) .MethodologyParticipantsThis assignment provided an chance to detect an African American stylist with over 18 old ages of experience in the cosmetology concern. The stylist works in a little upscale salon with two other stylists. The ascertained stylist received her preparation from a local cosmetology school and a concern grade from Bowie State University in Maryland. The stylist stated her trade was mastered through on the occupation preparation and that school merely prepared her with the theory. The client is a professional pedagogue that receives hair weaves every six to eight hebdomads. The client has chemically damaged hair and receives hair weaves to alleviate the mundane emphasis on her hair. Permission was given to merely enter the dorsum of the caput.Study DesignSince hair is a portion of the African American civilization, an ethnographic attack was taken. Culture can non be examined with making a hypothesis, formal testing, and statistical analysis of informations.Data Collection Instruments:During the survey, a FLIP picture camera was used to enter snippings of the hair weaving procedure. In add-on, notes were written to enter the ambiance, the conversations, and the actions of the stylist. An informal interview was used to derive cognition about the client and the stylist techniques.Procedures:Initial Entry: In order to finish this survey, aid from the stylist was requested during a hebdomadal salon visit. During the solicitation, the stylist was given a transcript of the undertaking demands and a brief account about the videotaping. The stylist was concerned with the publication of the recorded techniques. She was assured that the technique was for a category undertaking with no public screenings. The stylist agreed and requested a transcript of the picture once the undertaking was completed. Data Collection: The research worker began the observation procedure around nine 30 a.m. The observation procedure consisted of notes, informal interviews and videotaping. The research worker became an active portion of the procedure by helping with the threading of the acerate leafs. In add-on, the research worker interacted with all the other stylists and clients by supplying information about the survey and take parting in the chitchat in the salon.Data Analysis & A ; SynthesisIn analyzing the informations received during the observation, several mathematical operations were revealed. The first mathematical construct that was revealed was fractals. Fractals are defined as the geometric forms that are repeated, which include dilations ( Frost, 1999 ) . In hair weaving, the first procedure is hair lacing. The stylist subdivisions off little parts of the hair, and so braid the hair. The plaits consist of repeated forms that resemble a â€Å" V † . The plait begins little towar ds the border of the hair and gets larger as the plait reaches the Crown of the heard. The following mathematical construct that was revealed is transmutations which include interlingual renditions and perpendicular contemplations. As mentioned before, the plaits resemble several little V ‘s. The interlingual rendition occurs when the form of the V travels towards the Crown of the caput. The form of the V ‘s is really close together so the plaits are tight. This tightness aids with the hair weave enduring eight hebdomads. Another transmutation that is present is a perpendicular contemplation. The stylist begins with a plait on the right side of the heard and terminals at the Crown of the caput. She so begins with the left side of the caput and ends at the same topographic point. The plaits on each side of the caput are exact opposite of each other. The contemplation line is in the centre of the caput. The perpendicular refection ends at the center of the ears. In add-on, the mathematical construct of numeration was revealed. In several cases, the stylist was observed numbering the figure of plaits on the client ‘s caput. She stated it was of import to hold the same measure of plaits on both sides of the caput. In add-on, the stylist the stylist was observed numbering the figure of weave paths as she connected the weave. Another mathematical construct that was observed during the hair weaving procedure involves measuring and appraisal. The stylist used appraisal to mensurate the length of the weaving yarn. She removed yarn from the bobbin and used the length of her forearm to find the length. This procedure continued until the hair weave was completed. In add-on, the stylist estimates the measure of hair and the monetary value of the service. It was revealed that a anterior conversation occurred between the client and the stylist. The client shows the stylist a image and the stylist determines the measure of hair that is needed. This appraisal is of import because they stylist do non desire the client to buy extra hair. The following mathematical construct observed is arc length. Since the measuring of the caput utilizes perimeter, which is the length of the outermost border of a circle. The plaits that travel from right to go forth could be considered to be single circles. The stylist is gauging the length of the weave paths to attach to the ‘arcs † of the fanciful circles, which is the formal mathematical term called arc length. Another mathematical construct that is utilised is ratios. The stylist discussed the procedure of adding colour to the hair weave. The client purchases a little package of coloured weave. Following, the stylist uses a razor to divide the weave path. Finally, the stylist combines the colour weave path to the black path. In add-on, the stylist utilised ratios in the procedure when she mixed the hair dye for another colour. The stylist did uncover that sometimes hair weave clients receive colour to dissemble the grey hairs. This peculiar client did non have hair colour. After all of the paths were attached to the caput, the stylist used angles to cut the hair. The stylist stated she was utilizing 45 grade angles. It was hard to find the exact measuring of the angles since the stylist cut the hair quickly. Using 40 five degree angles to cut hair is a construct that the stylist learned in beauty school. During the full procedure of attaching the weave path to the plaits, the stylist created knots to guarantee the yarn did non detached. Besides in the initial threading procedure, knots were tied at the terminal of the twine every bit good. The type of knot was non determined. The concluding mathematical construct that was revealed was add-on and minus. The stylist used mental add-on to calculate the cost of the hair weave service. Once the client paid for the service, the stylist provided alteration. There was non any grounds of numbering alteration to the client. Recommendations Listing the possibilities of mathematics being used in the universe is about impossible. Mathematics is used in many signifiers of life such as eating houses, building, auto franchises, and promenades. This use of mathematics supports systems in topographic point working. Since mathematics is apparent in the lives of pupils, it is recommended to associate practical experiences such as hair weaving to the course of study that pupils must larn. This relationship would do mathematics relevant to the universe of pupils. In add-on, supplying this experience will see pupils to possible callings that they may hold had small cognition about. Learning mathematics through practical experiences will give pupil the chance to larn why and how mathematics is used. This signifier of larning supports the constructivist theory, where acquisition is student centered and non teacher centered ( Woolfolk, 2004 ) . Another recommendation to utilizing practical experiences such as hair weaving will give th e chance for pupils to larn utilizing transverse curricular activities. Since hair weaving involves chemicals, designs, and hair, pupils will hold the chance to larn chemical science, art and biological science in context. Observing and questioning a stylist will give a pupil the chance to witness the consequences of chemical procedure on the hair, to incorporate art and manner, and to larn how the organic structure develops skin, and the proper nutrition to keep healthy tegument. Besides it is recommended to give the pupils the chance to larn by making. The custodies on larning experience will advance motive. Motivation amongst African American pupils in mathematics is worsening ( Gilmer, 2004 ) . Using a pattern that is familiar to pupils can supply a gateway to engagement in the category. The pupils will be a portion of the category, taking the phobic disorder of failure, ensuing in assurance in mathematics ( Woolfolk, 2004 ) . This assurance will actuate the pupil to go on to la rn mathematics since the fright of non cognizing is removed. It is besides recommended that instructors create job based acquisition instances utilizing the constructs that relates to civilization such as hair weaving. The instances would advance enquiry about the different civilization and give replies as to why a peculiar civilization patterns certain modus operandis. This window into the lives of others will assist the pupils to understand and appreciate the civilizations of others. The enquiry procedure in the job based acquisition will give the pupils picks about the methods of geting cognition and how of import the information is to their personal state of affairs. The acquisition is navigated by the pupils with instructor counsel, alternatively of driven by instructor input merely. In add-on, the pupils will hold the chance to research and take part in instructional preservations from the research about the different civilizations. The instructional conversations would advanc e integrity and aid in learning diverseness amongst the pupils and the instructors.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

American who art thou?

â€Å"I have lived to see the last warrior of the wise race of the Mohicans† laments Tamenund (Cooper 382) in the book Last of the Mohicans. The death of Uncas and Cora marks the end of the Mohican people. Chingachgook indeed outlived Uncas his son but he is now childless and his people will now pass into legend and song. Ironically, the people described by Cooper in his book are Mohicans (Britanica). But their names rightly belong to another tribe known as the Mohegan (Britanica). The adventures of Uncas shed light on the true meaning of American. An American is a truly difficult to define creature. The US constitution defines as; All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. (Section 1) US citizenship, for those who are not born with it, is surprisingly hard to acquire. Yet thousands of people from the third-world will try every year to gain entry. America is believed to be the land of milk and honey. Millions more would attempt to enter if they only had the means. All seek the freedom and liberty promised by the Statute of Liberty to the Huddled masses. Those who are not Natural Born American Citizens can aspire to receive visa to work in the States. If fortune smiles upon them they can be granted citizenship after proving themselves to be good law abiding people. This also in tales absorbing American Values and ethics although compared to other nations America has a high tolerance for those who thing out of the box and the non-conformists. Media can often be used to reinforce or even create a new identity for a people. For example, Nazi propaganda transformed the innocent Jews into the demons who were behind all the ills of the world. The book last of the Mohicans and the movie last of the Dogmen are examples, of how media can be used to form a country’s sense of identity. In the movie Last of the Dogmen, Lewis Gates pursues escaped convicts into the Montana countryside. All he recovers are a few scraps of cloth, some blood and an old fashioned Indian arrow. Despite the doubts of scientist, Gates believed that the there is a lost Indian tribe somewhere out there. Working on a hunch the Indian arrow leads him down a trail of pursuit of a lost tribe of Dog Soldiers. He eventually encounters the Dog soldiers and they believe him to be their foe. Upon his escape he essays to protect them from being discovered and polluted by civilization. In the movie the American was defined as a Native American, one of the Dog Soldiers whose ancestors once roamed the plains of America free and untamed by today’s mores. The noble savage is worthy of protection from the corrupting influence of mainstream society. By comparison the Last of the Mohicans is about a Mohican caught in the French-English war in Canada. The French are trying to overwhelm Fort William Henry with the aid of the Hurons and the Iroquis. Hawkeye is given the task of escorting the commanders two daughters to safety past the Indians. On the road they encounter Chingachgook and Uncas the last of the Mohicans in the region. The plot of Hawkeye’s guide is soon exposed the guide betrays the company and the two Mohicans agree to be their guides. In the forest, Hawkeye, the Mohicans and their charges face many perils including many Indians who are haunting the woods in search of them. One of the members of the group is wounded by a sniper and they are soon immobilized. The group hides in a cave but a flushed out by a much larger party of Hurons. Now prisoners of the Hurons they are granted a chance at freedom if Cora would but consider to marry Magua. Haughty Cora refuses and soon the enraged Magua decides that the entire party should just die. At that very moment, the Mohicans and Hawkeye attack rescuing the captives and slaughtering the Hurons. Magua escapes but the captives are now safe. Eventually they stop at an old building where a lot of Mohicans died and where Chingachgook and Hawkeye fought together. Soon they are finally within the fort’s walls and are safe. In the fort, Duncan wonders how the fort can hold off so many attackers. Their only hope is for Webb to arrive with reinforcements. Duncan is sent as an emissary to the French commander Montcalm. All this succeeds in doing is letting Duncan know that the Frech are aware of the dire plight of the English Fort. The commanders, Montcalm and Munro eventually meet and Montcalm hands Munro a letter detailing how Webb is unable to send reinforcement. He asks the English to surrender. Munro naturally abhors surrender, but upon hearing the generous terms offered by the Frenchman agrees to sign a treaty. Peace it seems is achieved. But not all are pleased with the accord. Magua is indignant in claiming that his warriors will have no scalps while the white men become friends. While the English are fleeing from Fort William Henry the Hurons attack killing many innocent people. Cora is found by Magua and again he asks for her to be his wife but again she refused. So Magua captures Alice instead. A rescue effort goes horribly wrong when Duncan, Uncas and Hawkeye go to the Huron Village. Uncas is caught and is at the mercy of the Huron. This time the rescue goes well as Duncan is able to rescue Uncas. After a side-trip among the Delaware who are overjoyed at seeing Uncas, a Mohican. Uncas prepares his forces to attack the Hurons. In the battle that follows Magua is killed, Cora is also killed but ere the battle is ended Uncas too dies. Oddly, enough Cooper’s view of Mohican Indian is wildly at variance with the movie version. Cooper’s Mohicans are musket carrying warrior who could fight equally well as the Europeans they traveled with. By comparison   Wyeth portrays Uncas with a dagger, a tomahawk, and a bow and arrow-weapons of precolonial warfare and the customary attributes of an Indian brave. Cooper’s Uncas suggests the complexity of the character's position as a conventionally educated, English-speaking American Indian, Wyeth generalizes and romanticizes the Indian hero's appearance. Wyeth’s version simply conforms to his understanding of American Indians, which was tightly bound to the ideal of an untamed wilderness. Hawkeye is the book’s consummate American, he is the friend of Chingchagook. In chapter three of the Indian’s struggle for identity is first given shape. He was of unmixed blood and his tribe is the grandfather of nations. In the past his people fought the Iroquis, who were now mercenaries at the employ of the French, However, now the tribe is depleted and only Uncas his son remains of the Mohicans. Uncas and Chingchagook are firmly with the English as they are prepared to die fighting the Iroquis. Also in this chapter is the interplay of ideas and beliefs between Chingchagook and Hawkeye. This would later be an important ideal of Americans. The free exchange of ideas and belief or the so called Marketplace of ideas. Another example of the struggle was the discrimination Cora Munro suffered as opposed to the respect that Alice Munro received. Both were the daughters of a prominent military commander but because of Cora’s skin color and heritage she is looked down upon. Although later in the story she would fall in love with Uncas. An American is one who can identify with the values and morals of the American people in General. It is the question of what those values are that is problematic. One of the first defining events of being an American was Declaration of independence. As written by Thomas Jefferson the American people believed that â€Å"All men are created free and equal under God†. Previous to the declaration, Americans were still very much under the heel of the primitive feudal system they inherited from the British. The King, three thousand miles away ruled their lives by fiat. His lords and nobles ran roughshod over his subjects. This same struggle for equality is seen when Chingchagook and Hawkeye are discussing the differences between the English and the Mohicans. Another related event was the Civil war. The ideal of free and equal was put to the test. Till then it was a hypocrisy, the US claimed that its people lived in equality. Yet in the Southern States nearly 1/3 of all people were slaves who had no civil and political rights. The black man was a slave unfitting even of the title man, he toiled in the cotton plantations endlessly providing wealth for the arrogant white masters. Tens of Thousands would die before the African-American could take part and received citizenship in the country. An example, of this discrimination is when Cora rejects Magua’s offer to be his wife. In exchange for the freedom of the thralls. Still Cora refuses because even if she was a Quadroon she still held herself better than the filthy Indian Magua. However, even with the Emancipation declaration, the â€Å"black man† was still relegated to a second class citizen. It was not until Martin Luther King Jr. came forth daring violence and persecution in order end the discrimination and bigotry that plagued African Americans in the south. The struggle for equality can also been seen in the desire of Magua to be wed to Cora where Cora constantly refuses him because of his inferior stock. In the past, there were laws in place, particularly in the south, which prevented a black person from marrying a white person. Manifest Destiny, that doctrine that said that America should expand to the Pacific and beyond was another important even that helped change the American Identity. The Expansion to the west would come at the expense of Mexicans and Indians who would lose their lands. In that point of history a great influx of Irish, Germans and other European immigrants came to America to seek the freedom promised by the Statute of liberty. They were soon welded into the American people and brought their work ethic and industry to the increase the vigor of the rising Hercules that was the Union. The World Wars are another defining event in American History because the US having gained prominence among nations was now ready to take its place among the stars. America sent legions of its finest youths to go forth and fight in Europe and Asia for the defense of the weak and innocent against those who would oppress them. The same way Uncas was willing to endanger himself for the sake of foreigners he barely knew. The American identity remains vague and hard to define. Literature and other media can help express and expound it. But ultimately it must shine forth from the heart of every American Citizen. Simply, put an American is one who lives and breathes the American ideals. In a sense Hawkeye was an American because he respected the views of those who were not in concurrence with his. He also fought hard for the protection of the weak and innocent. Finally, he was a true friend to his allies. Works Cited Cooper, James The Last of the Mohicans. Edwards Brothers Inc 2006 Ed â€Å":Mohican† (history), Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 2007, webpage: EB-Mohicans. (Last accessed 11 Dec 2007) â€Å"Mohegan † (history), Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 2007, webpage: EB-Mahican. (Last accessed 11 Dec 2007) U.S. Constitution. Micheals, Joel B â€Å"The Last of the Dogmen† 8 Sept 1995 WYETH'S NOBLE SAVAGE Sep/Oct 2007. Vol. 28, Iss. 5; pg. 23, 1 pgs

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

3 Cases of Extraneous Hyphens

3 Cases of Extraneous Hyphens 3 Cases of Extraneous Hyphens 3 Cases of Extraneous Hyphens By Mark Nichol Writers, even professionals, have a difficult time with hyphens, frequently perplexed about whether to use one or, worse, blithely certain they’re inserting or omitting a hyphen correctly when doing so is wrong. Here are some sentences that should be bereft of hyphens. 1. â€Å"In the city’s first cop-killing since 1935, a detective was found shot at a residence.† There’s no reason to link the adjectival use of cop with the noun killing, unless killing is joining cop as a phrasal adjective, as in â€Å"The suspect is a cop-killing menace.† The correct usage is â€Å"In the city’s first cop killing since 1935, a detective was found shot at a residence.† 2. â€Å"A privately-built spacecraft will try a second flight in an effort to secure the prize.† Writers frequently confuse adverbs ending in -ly, which are never connected to the verbs they modify, with adjectives, which are usually hyphenated in phrases like the one referred to in the previous item. Complicating the matter is that adjectival phrases including an adjective ending in -ly, such as grandfatherly-looking in â€Å"a grandfatherly-looking fellow,† are hyphenated before (and after) a noun. The difference in these usages is that privately describes how the spacecraft was built; privately modifies built. In â€Å"grandfatherly-looking fellow,† however, the first two words are hyphenated to indicate that together, they modify fellow. The sentence should read, â€Å"A privately built spacecraft will try a second flight in an effort to secure the prize.† 3. â€Å"They prefer to dump the label for a more-effective brand.† When a comparative or superlative modifier less or least, or more or most modifies an adjective, do not connect the terms with a hyphen: â€Å"They prefer to dump the label for a more effective brand.† (If the sentence is ambiguous without the hyphen, as in â€Å"The team had several more successful seasons,† revise the sentence according to the intended meaning: â€Å"The team had several seasons that were more successful† or â€Å"The team had several successful seasons after that.†) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Slang Terms for MoneyProbable vs. PossibleShow, Don't Tell

Monday, October 21, 2019

Competing with Giants by Niraj Dawar and Tony Frost article review

Competing with Giants by Niraj Dawar and Tony Frost article review In the article Competing with Giants, Niraj Dawar and Tony Frost discuss the strategies that companies from developing countries can use in order to compete with international corporations. The authors argue that selling out or leaving the market is not always the most optimal solution for small businesses. According to this article, the managers should focus on the following issues:Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Competing with Giants by Niraj Dawar and Tony Frost article review specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Identification and assessment of ones competitive assets. The managers should focus on the strengths that their businesses may have, for example, well-developed distribution networks, low-cost of production, or loyalty of the customers. This knowledge will be essential for them in the future. The degree to which the assets of the company can be transferred abroad. For instance, they should determine wh ether they have sufficient resources to enter foreign markets. Similarly, they should analyze the strategies of their competitors from the same perspective. This analysis will help them better develop their strategies and predict the actions of competitors. Finally, they should evaluate globalization pressures or the likelihood that a foreign rival can enter their niche market. Apart from that, the writers describe four possible strategies that local companies can adopt when facing foreign competition. Depending upon the path that these businesses take, they can be categorized into four groups: Defenders or companies that focus on one of their competitive strengths and meet the needs of one target group that cannot be reached by foreign corporations. For instance, one can mention Bajaj Auto a manufacturer of scooters. They target people who are interested in durability and low cost of a scooter, rather than its brand. In this way, they can rival with large corporations like Honda. Dodgers or those businesses that can redefine their goals and main strengths. In other words, they can move to a different market that is of little interest to international companies. For instance, one can refer to Chinese software developers that chose to design programs for Windows, instead of developing operating systems. Extenders or those organizations that strive to transfer their capabilities into foreign markets. These businesses usually seek markets similar to their own. One of such organizations is Jollibee Foods which is a Philippine fast-food chain that operates in China and Japan. Contenders or those companies that attempt to improve their capacities in order to compete with large international companies. Among such companies one can single out Samsung or Sony. On the whole, this study outlines several ways in which local companies can withstand the rivalry of foreign corporations, namely: Upgrading organizational strengths and capabilities so that the company did n ot have to move from a particular market entered an international corporation; Diversifying the range of the products or services; Moving to a different segment that is of no interest to a foreign competitor; Focusing on the needs of a particular group of customers and offering products that can appeal to these people, their values, and income level. The authors show that the arrival of international companies does not always lead to the failure of the local ones. The managers of such businesses should remember that the policy of protectionism cannot always shield them against their rivals from abroad. The strategies described in this article can help many local businesses from developing countries.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Descriptions of Nine Roman Military Leaders

Descriptions of Nine Roman Military Leaders Agrippa: Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa (56-12 B.C.) Agrippa was a renowned Roman general and close friend of Octavian (Augustus). Agrippa was consul first in 37 B.C. He was also governor of Syria.As general, Agrippa defeated the forces of Mark Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium. Upon his victory, Augustus awarded his niece Marcella to Agrippa for a wife. Then, in 21 B.C., Augustus married his own daughter Julia to Agrippa. By Julia, Agrippa had a daughter, Agrippina, and three sons, Gaius and Lucius Caesar and Agrippa Postumus (so named because Agrippa was dead by the time he was born). Ancient Roman NamesTable of the Consuls of Rome Brutus: Lucius Junius Brutus (6th C. B.C.) According to legend, Brutus led the revolt against Tarquinius Superbus, an Etruscan king of Rome, and proclaimed Rome a Republic in 509 B.C. Brutus is listed as one of the first two consuls of Republican Rome. He is not to be confused with Marcus Brutus, the first century B.C. statesman made famous by the Shakespearean line et tu Brute. There are other legends about Brutus including his having his own sons executed. Wars of the Roman Republic Camillus: Marcus Furius Camillus (fl. c. 396 B.C.) Marcus Furius Camillus led the Romans into battle when they defeated the Veientians, but was soon afterward sent into exile because of how he distributed the spoils. Camillus was later recalled to act as dictator and led the Romans (successfully) against the invading Gauls following the defeat at the Battle of the Allia. Tradition says Camillus, arriving at the time the Romans were weighing out their ransom for Brennus, defeated the Gauls. Veientine WarsBattle of the Allia Cincinnatus: Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus (fl. 458 B.C.) Another of the military leaders known mostly through legend, Cincinnatus was plowing his field, when he learned he had been appointed dictator. The Romans had appointed Cincinnatus dictator for six months so he could defend the Romans against the neighboring Aequi who had surrounded the Roman army and the consul Minucius in the Alban Hills. Cincinnatus rose to the occasion, defeated the Aequi, made them pass under the yoke to show their subjugation, gave up the title of dictator sixteen days after it had been granted, and promptly returned to his farm. Expansion of Rome in Italy Horatius: (late 6th C. B.C.) Horatius was a legendary heroic leader of the Roman forces against the Etruscans. He deliberately stood alone against the Etruscans on a bridge while the Romans were destroying the bridge from their side to keep the Etruscans from using it to get across the Tiber. In the end, when the bridge was destroyed, Horatius jumped into the river and swam armed to safety. Bridges Over the Tiber Marius: Gaius Marius (155-86 B.C.) Neither from the city of Rome, nor a pedigreed patrician, Arpinum-born Gaius Marius still managed to be consul 7 times, marry into the family of Julius Caesar, and reform the army.When serving as a legate in Africa, Marius so ingratiated himself with the troops they wrote to Rome to recommend Marius as consul, claiming he would quickly end the conflict with Jugurtha.When Marius needed more troops to defeat Jugurtha, he instituted new policies that changed the complexion of the army. Marius Scipio Africanus: Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus Major (235-183 B.C.) Scipio Africanus is the Roman commander who defeated Hannibal at the Battle of Zama in the Second Punic War using tactics hed learned from the Carthaginian military leader. Since Scipios victory was in Africa, following his triumph he was allowed to take the agnomen Africanus. He later received the name Asiaticus when serving under his brother Lucius Cornelius Scipio against Antiochus III of Syria in the Seleucid War. Second Punic WarScipio Africanus Stilicho: Flavius Stilicho (died A.D. 408) A Vandal, Stilicho was a great military leader during the reigns of Theodosius I and Honorius. Theodosius made Stilicho magister equitum and then made him supreme commander of the western armies. Although Stilicho accomplished much in the fight against Goths and other invaders, Stilicho was eventually beheaded and other members of his family were also killed. Sulla: Lucius Cornelius Sulla (138-78 B.C.) Sulla was a Roman general who vied successfully with Marius for leadership of the command against Mithridates VI of Pontus. In the following civil war Sulla defeated the followers of Marius, had the soldiers of Marius killed, and had himself declared dictator for life in 82 B.C. He had proscription lists drawn up. After he had made the changes he thought necessary to the government of Rome to bring it back in line with the old values Sulla stepped down in 79 B.C. and died a year later.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Financial Case Report Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Financial Report - Case Study Example mpany accountant Audrey Johnstone, it was decided that an outside consultant should be hired to provide an independent analysis of the company’s recent performance and to provide suggestions for future action. Strong Tie Ltd., located in Winnipeg, Manitoba, designed and manufactured the standardized and customized structural connectors used to reinforce wood joints in the construction of decks, fences, houses and other structures. Strong Tie was a family-owned corporation founded in 1946 by Bill Johnstone to capitalize on the high demand for housing as returning World War II veterans married and began families. Bill Johnstone died in 1975 but passed the business on to his son David, who continued to operate the business along with his three daughters, Ellen, Elizabeth and Audrey. David served as CEO, while Ellen Johnstone, P.Eng, was responsible for product design and production; Elizabeth Johnstone, CSP, managed marketing, sales and distribution; and Audrey Johnstone, CA, managed the company’s finances. The Johnstone family was a pillar of the Winnipeg business community, making sizeable donations to local charities and sport teams. The standardized connectors were designed in Winnipeg based on input from architects, draftsmen and builders. The production process was highly automated with metal cutting, stamping and drilling machines completing most of the tasks. Human intervention was required to transfer work-in-process between stations, to feed machines and to pack, store and distribute the end products. This automation had allowed production to remain in Canada to date despite fierce competition from low-wage countries, particularly China. Customized connectors were produced based on specifications provided by the customer. Strong Tie prided itself on its product design capabilities. Designers in Winnipeg consistently generated an array of new standardized connectors that improved on existing products or addressed newly identified industry needs. These

Friday, October 18, 2019

Web content Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Web content - Essay Example In order to close important foreign deals and clearly get your message across, excellent translation services are what you need. Our standards and work ethics guarantee that your needs will be met and your questions will be answered at the shortest time possible. So, if quality translation at a very reasonable fee is what you are looking for, then browse through our website so you can learn more about what we can offer you. Because here at Titan Translations, your needs are our needs (this could be your tagline or if you have already created one then just replace it). We at Titan Translations provide you with multi-lingual professionals who can efficiently understand the full meaning of what you are saying and paraphrase it into your chosen language. Our expert interpreters can completely interpret your ideas into the language of your choice clearly and accurately. We have the best multi-lingual writers and researchers who can directly and accurately translate any legal, medical, and technical documents. We also offer web content translations to optimize your websites. Our highly qualified translators are more than capable of writing, translating, and composing grammatically correct texts in more than 70 languages. We also provide audio/video transcriptions for various purposes like creating subtitles for a movie in different languages. Our highly competent languages experts can directly transcribe, interpret, and translate both formal and colloquial conversations. I suggest you get at least 3 short testimonials (direct quotations) from satisfied customers in any of the top languages you offer. You need to place their names (even just first names) and occupations in relation to the Our Customers page. The road towards a successful foreign deal, a profitable export contract, a solid legal document, a highly detailed technical report, an understandable medical paper, and a foolproof

Definition Of The Profession Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Definition Of The Profession - Assignment Example Despite the fact that management is not a profession does not mean that the job does not entail a lot of preparation and experience to master the craft. The job of a manager requires the utmost professionalism. The managerial position is responsible for the employees of the company and their dealings with customers. In the past, I have been involved in work experiences that required that I utilize professionalism in order to get things accomplished in the workplace. I once worked in a company that was violating state work laws. The firm paid the employees late, did not obey overtime laws, and it exploited its employees with excessive production quotas. Within this work environment, the workers were able to form an informal work union. The employees got together and discussed their problems and looked for solutions. Everything was done with professionalism in order to gain strength against the administration.

Gender and the Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Gender and the Media - Essay Example This paper stresses that a good number of women lived in fear of their sexuality since this was one matter not examined for subtext and submerged meanings. For instance, majority of Inuit people of Canada live in isolated arctic communities that make it impossible for them to access consumer goods and medical services. Femininity made the women especially in the eighteenth century fall victims of housing crisis. In fact, the problematic housing condition leaves the then urban woman with quite insecure situations of living. To some readers more familiar with femininity politics and with issues of recognition, the politics may appear unusual or even odd. The author says that some independent films have empowered featured women as cultural product interpreters. Hook pioneered a research field in black women readers of culture that put together the cultural studies and the African American studies. This was possible through the techniques of interviewing and textual interpretation based on criticism. The research’s intentions were to join the two studies and eradicate criticism. This report makes a conclusion that nobody hates looking at women’s funny character in movies. Something that Caroline well put across. The conditions of watching a movie in the cinema gives authority to a voyeuristic spectatorship. All spectators are chirping characters taking pleasure and watching others while they remain unseen. In other fields, feminists have identified voyeurism as conflict that is because of gender. The chirping character is most often a man-watching female without her knowledge. As a result, for Stuart Hall insights, Hooks and other critics bring up many questions about the response of women regarding the visual arts in the modern world, which includes photography and film. The black looks say a lot about race and representation. Basing this on Hook’s argument, critical spectatorship of the black female only comes up when an individual woman resist becoming the subject of looking and knowing or in other words image and story. Their resista nce to identifying themselves with settings of gender and race tender for their consumption. Men critic their positive decisions and creates opposite texts and interpretations. This makes the black woman lack freedom to make decisions on her own since her wish means end of career. Hook says that any black woman featured on Hollywood’s films creates either a good image or a bad image to her race (McWilliams, 183). Some independent films have empowered featured women as cultural product interpreters. Hook pioneered a research field in black women readers of culture that put together the cultural studies and the African American studies. This was possible through the techniques of interviewing and textual interpretation based on criticism. The research’s intentions were to join the two studies and eradicate criticism. After a series of lengthy interviews, she came up with conclusive answers that the black women were not happy with the image instilled on them especially on the interpretations of the press, which contrasted theirs. Her work was difficult and a historical moment is the only thing that helps. Women interpretive images from the positions they held dominated the constructions of gender and race. Hook paid extra attention to images of gender and race gotten from the gallery and the museum. At the same time, many scholars paid attention to the images intersection depicting gender and race. One of the scholars did examinations on two images totally unrelated. The images were that of the Hottentots women and that of a prostitute. There is no way the two could ever be in the same relationship. Prostitution is a very bad image in the society and no body likes the association. Names used to refer to the black race were very off putting and mean. Some of these names included lesbians and gays. Nothing good according to Hook comes from a black woman. When you combine power, gender and race, a black woman has nothing more to shelter under. They are helpless and the only thing they do is to try to survive. The mechanisms for survival are minimal as the only place their voice has priority is through the media. Although there are no reasons to justify this, the important part is Jack argument of the threat content cinematically. The woman’s figure according to Jack provides means of compensation because she becomes the reason for the men’s gaze and to whom they direct probe, look at, control and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Analytical Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4

Analytical Report - Essay Example It compares these views in an annotated bibliography of several sources. It focuses on the weaknesses in the current teaching methods used to teach religious education. Upon successful exploration of these weaknesses, the report gives recommendations by different researchers to eliminate these weaknesses. The report focuses on global religions and societies as suggested by its title. The American Academy of Religion (2010) indicates that there is high illiteracy of religions due to lack of proper teachings on the importance of religious studies in schools. It goes further to show that most students do not take religious studies seriously due to poor teaching. It emphasizes that most teachers do not have ample knowledge of guiding students to see the importance of religious studies. According to this source, religious studies are meant to assist students explore different views of societies regarding religions. Teachers should guide students to appreciate the importance of religious studies instead of influencing them to follow particular views of particular religions. Influencing students to follow and adopt particular religious leads to hatred of other religious. It was further discovered by The American Academy of Religion (2010) that faith-based expressions taught in religious studies should introduce students to understanding the impact of religion on economic, social, political matters. The students will then recognize the impact of religion on these matters deepening their understanding of the religious matters. If students understand the role of religion in the society, they will intensify their explorations on global religions and cultures. In the process, they will appreciate global religious diversity. Therefore, the students will avoid extreme stereotypes of particular religions and instead accept religious diversity (American Academy of Religion, 2010). There is massive support for non-devotional

Relationship between Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Essay

Relationship between Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Development - Essay Example Market therefore becomes central to the economic development where entrepreneurship and innovation become powerful factors to influence economic growth. Position of the paper Entrepreneurship and innovation are critical issues within socio-economic development that are intrinsically linked to growth. In the contemporary environment of competitive business, the role of creative entrepreneurship becomes vital ingredient of competitive advantage within the industry, irrespective of its structure or model. Indeed, various paradigms of economic growth are significantly impacted by entrepreneurial vision that anticipates change and competently exploits it for profit (Kuratko and Hodgetts, 2004). In the current environment of competitive business, entrepreneurship and innovation become the major enabling elements of competitive advantage and intrinsic part of economic growth. The paper would therefore be discussing the facilitating role of entrepreneurship and innovation in the economic dev elopment of society and how creativity and problem solving support the relationship. How entrepreneurship and innovation become driving force for economic development While the normal human behavior tends to follow a rational approach, an entrepreneur is highly indigenous in his/her actions and thoughts which often results in innovation and path breaking ideas, impacting human lives and leading to development (Harvey, M. and R. Evans, 1995). Oprah Winfrey is fitting example of entrepreneurial creativity who grabbed opportunity and brought about major social change vis-a-vis perspective in racial discrimination. She showed how a person can rise above the conformity of race and gender to become successful and promote socio-economic development of society. Indeed, the development of society is based on the revolutionary ideas of the few which has considerably influenced and restructured social fabric in a more rationale manner. Kirzner (1973) believes that entrepreneurs tend to identif y profit opportunities and act on their insights to become more productive, thus contributing towards economic growth. A market driven economy hugely supports entrepreneurial innovation as it is able to experiment with new ideas and exploit opportunities. Entrepreneurship is dynamic and evolves with changing times to maintain its leverage against industrial rivals. Facebook, twitter, Apple, Microsoft etc. are important companies that were able to exploit new ideas and turned them into roaring businesses. Through the evolving process of entrepreneurial creativeness, the companies, that fundamentally adopt a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation, are better able to cope with increasing competition in the market and impact economic growth. The major theories that support the relationship between creative entrepreneurship and development Schumpeter (1934) has been one of the most influential social scientist to propose that economic growth is driven by innovation. He asserted that radical innovation brought disruptive changes while incremental innovations were proactive in continuous process of change. According to him, there were five types of innovation. While new product development ensured that people’s changing requirements are met, new methods of productions like lean production, TQM etc promoted efficiency and quality. Market

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Analytical Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4

Analytical Report - Essay Example It compares these views in an annotated bibliography of several sources. It focuses on the weaknesses in the current teaching methods used to teach religious education. Upon successful exploration of these weaknesses, the report gives recommendations by different researchers to eliminate these weaknesses. The report focuses on global religions and societies as suggested by its title. The American Academy of Religion (2010) indicates that there is high illiteracy of religions due to lack of proper teachings on the importance of religious studies in schools. It goes further to show that most students do not take religious studies seriously due to poor teaching. It emphasizes that most teachers do not have ample knowledge of guiding students to see the importance of religious studies. According to this source, religious studies are meant to assist students explore different views of societies regarding religions. Teachers should guide students to appreciate the importance of religious studies instead of influencing them to follow particular views of particular religions. Influencing students to follow and adopt particular religious leads to hatred of other religious. It was further discovered by The American Academy of Religion (2010) that faith-based expressions taught in religious studies should introduce students to understanding the impact of religion on economic, social, political matters. The students will then recognize the impact of religion on these matters deepening their understanding of the religious matters. If students understand the role of religion in the society, they will intensify their explorations on global religions and cultures. In the process, they will appreciate global religious diversity. Therefore, the students will avoid extreme stereotypes of particular religions and instead accept religious diversity (American Academy of Religion, 2010). There is massive support for non-devotional

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

England Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

England - Assignment Example Players in the industry had to put forward drastic measures by the engagement of massive discounts so as to support the relatively threatened customer base especially due to the global economic meltdown which had its effects in the UK by the end of 2009.It has been reported that the global shipments of the products have been growing by 4% annually supported majorly by the imports from the US ,Japan and South Africa .The Japanese market has been stabilizing currently making ripple effects in the local market and enabling the increasing stability of the UK market an achievable phenomenon. By January the import of our company stood at 7% and the shipments to foreign branches stood at 3.1 %.The projected sales of champagne in the year 2012 is expected to be 35.5M. Sales is one of the most important components of a business ,however it has to promote responsibility to avoid the long term effects on their brand and to avoid the crumbling of the business. The size of the industry has been growing over the previous years, however it received a major slow down due to the impacts of the global economic recession. Despite the economic troubles facing the globe presently, the sales are stable and relatively high during the festive seasons plus there are new emerging markets within the country offering the champagne business new avenues for major sales. The ports that are used by our company for the importation of our facilities and majorly for our products have to meet the criterion for efficiency and have to be secure .the port has to be versatile ,have diversity of traffic and the charges have to be competitive and realistic for the business venture of our type to avoid extra input into the system. The company has been using the Bristol port for a very long time for its shipping duties since it is meeting the standards put by the management and the stakeholders in the company. Our

Monday, October 14, 2019

Examining case studies as a research method

Examining case studies as a research method Article Assignment : CASE STUDIES Abstract : Case Study one of the approach of methodology to get result and also get data collection. Case study are famous in the social science field. This field give big explanation in many things include the social behavior. Case study also can have or perform in information management / knowledge management or library science field. This article also explore about the category of the case study, the advantages and disadvantages, weakness and also the applicability of this case study method in term of information management. Keywords Case Study, Academic Library, Research, Quantitative, Qualitative, Information Management Introduction Research can be defined as a process of systematic method to enquiry and investigate of the field. By doing the research, it can help to solve problems, increase knowledge to the researcher. Beside that the research can be part of the researcher to get now or most interesting features, then it can helps the researcher to have an opportunity to clarify, follow and confirm the new things with their interested in the topic or subject. Collis , Hussey, (2003) had stated the use of research which is to : Analyze and explore the general issues To appraisal and produce the new and obtainable knowledge To identify and investigate the problems and situations that existing To gain and generate the new ideas or knowledge To explain and state the new phenomena To develop and create the system, procedures and policies Definitions of Case Study Case study is the one of the research method and methodology. Case study is an applying an exhaustive approach which is the researcher focuses on only one specific instance of the phenomenon to be studied. It’s also only a instances in order to study the original or phenomenon in depth. From the article case study as a research method by Zaidah Zainal, (2007), stated that case study allows the exploration and understanding of complex issues. It can be considered a robust research method particularly when a holistic, in-depth investigation is required. Gulsecen Kubat, (2006) stated that case study recognized as a tool in many social science studies, the role of case study method in research becomes more prominent when issues with regard to education. A case study offers an opportunity to study a particular subject, example one organisation, in depth, or a group of people, and usually involves gathering and analyzing information; information that may be both qualitative and qua ntitative . The American Heritage Dictonary of the Engish Language , (2000) defines case study as a detailed comprehensive study of a unit such as a business or a business division that stresses factor contributing to its success or failure. Another definition is a detailed analysis of a person or group, especially as a model of the medical, social phenomena, psychiatric and psychological. Yin ( 2009) believes that relative samples used in either large or small, cannot change to one or more research into the macroscopic study. Single case can be accepted by meeting challenge objectives case studies. Beside that, Yin (2002) defines the case study research method â€Å"as an empirical study that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context which is when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident; and in which multiple sources of evidence are used. Besides that he is also mention that a a design of the case study should be considered when first is the focus of the study is to answer â€Å"how† and â€Å"why† questions; second, the reseacrher cannot manipulate the behavior of those involved in the study; third, the reseacrher want to cover contextual conditions because you believe they are relevant to the phenomenon under study; or fourth, the limitations are not clear between the phenomenon and context. Other than that, Zaidah (2007) also stated that the past literature show the application of the case study research and method in many areas and disciplines in all types of media. Category of the case study The category of the case study are being categories by three, first is exploratory, descriptive and explanatory case studies. The exploratory case study can be explain as case studies set to explore any phenomenon in the data which serves as a point of interest to the researcher. For an example, a researcher conducting the exploratory a case study and the case study include the all data collection, research question and etc. The second category is descriptive case studies. This category of this case study explains about natural phenomena which happen within the data in question. For an example, the question like what different strategies use. The descriptive case studies may use in the narrative form like using the pattern matching procedure and so on. The third category is explanatory case studies. This examine the data deeply in level to explain the phenomena of the data in order. The explanatory case studies investigate the complex and multivariate cases. This complex theory explain the three theories of the phenomenon and study. Case study is one of the offers an opportunity to study of the particular subject. For n example, the case study can do the research at organization , the target group of people which usually involves collect, gathering and analyzing the data and information. And the information can be gets from qualitative or quantitative. Basic types of the case study design. Figure 1 : Types of Case Study Strength and Weakness of the Case Study Weaknesses Case studies include and involve the small sets of data for an example as one or two companies. that may conduct the researcher to get and gain some insights about the trends or viral in the relevant industries. For example, the case study about the Honda Company might be used to generalize about similar companies in the automobile industries. The data or information is a reasonable to the company that chosen as a source of data. But the case studies involve small data and so that conversational empirical techniques cannot be used or where they are used. Strengths. The case study method involves detailed, holistic , futuristic investigation in all aspects and can utilize a range of different measurement techniques such as a methodological tool. The data can be collected over the time and related to the industries. The histories or the stories that can be told about the company are also something’s that can be assessed and documented not just empirical data. There are 8 steps to conducting a case study: 1) set up the broad case to investigate 2) set up the research questions 3) Select the particular cases to be used 4) Determine data gathering and analysis techniques 5) Prepare to collect of the data 6) Collect the data 7) Analyse the data 8) Prepare the report Methodology Review : Applicability of case studies method in context information management In term of the applicability in context information management, as we know, information management nowadays is developing to manage the information. To understand what information management is, the researcher nowadays interest to more case study in this field or area. Nowadays there are lots social scientist do the research. The information management are include the how to manage the information. By doing the research or case study in this area, the researcher must know the trend of the current research or issues . It’s important to know the trend because it making easier to the future study. For example, if the researcher do the research or case study on the impact of use the media social, the researcher must know about the previous research and need to suggest he future reading to the reader. Besides that, by doing the case study, it allows the researcher to explore deeply the issues. Information management more to understanding how to manage the information, the type of the information and so on. Case study have been use in information management research to suggest various types of findings. The approach of case study method also can develop many theory and model such as utaut model 1 and 2 , TAM models and so on. The case study can give comprehensive understanding on the phenomena or the specific field in information management. It is helps the researcher by doing the decision making. Conclusion In the nut, case study methodology are most important method to investigate deeply certain field. Nowadays, Case studies being speedily increasingly famous among the qualitative and quantitative researchers. This types of methodology provide the flexibility on the development, design and the methods’ technique in the case study. Moreover, case studies are consider to use I many research that can be the other alternative in qualitative or quantitative research because of case study is the best of methodology in research. Moreover, case studies observe many variables or elements to complete the event or research. Case study using documents, observation and also the interviews as the main sources of the information. Most the case study assigns and allocate the point from the case study. Supporter or the researcher will hold which means that it is depends on the situations behavior. The good case study must have creativity, the design, innovation in the context of the research. Yin (2009), also mention that case study can relies with many sources Yin (2009), also mention that all handle with the technically in Case Study, characteristic situation where there will be a lot of variables of interest field than data points , and as one result. Case study also relies on multiple sources of proof, with data needing to converge in a triangulation as a result. The case study also give benefits to prior development of theoretical propositions to guide data collection and analysis 1 | Page

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay on Eating Disorder - Why Did American Teenagers Stop Eating? :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

Why Did American Teenagers Stop Eating? Why have American teenagers stopped eating healthy? The American people have not stopped dressing, playing sports, working, or traveling, so why did they stop eating healthy? Is it because American teenagers today have grown up with junk food that they do not know how to eat healthy? Maybe it is because Americans are so involved with many other activities that they cannot find the time to eat a decent meal. Whatever the specific reason may be, American teenagers have stopped eating healthy and something needs to be done. This paper examines the reasons as to why American teenagers have stopped eating healthy, but first it explains some reasons as to why teenagers eat so unhealthy. It is not enough to simply say that American teenagers have unhealthy eating habits. Although the eating habits vary from teenager to teenager, that is to say some eat too much while others eat too little, the general reasons as to why this fact is true needs to be examined and should be understood by everyone. Teenagers are unhealthy eaters because they eat to free themselves from boredom, they go out to eat to have a fun at night, and they eat because food is always available to them one way or the other. Some teenagers do not eat enough and when they do eat they eat junk food because it tastes better than "healthy" food. Truly, teenagers are not healthy eaters. Few people besides nutritionists and dietitians are aware of the reasons as to why the American people have such horrible eating habits. One reason as to why teenagers are unhealthy eaters is that eating provides something for them to do when they are bored. Eating while doing homework helps keep teenagers focused and awake so that they can get their homework done in a timely manner. Keeping their mouth occupied with food will stop them from talking to others around them. People who like what they are eating will most likely keep on eating and hold off on a conversation. If teenagers just watched television while doing homework, they would most likely watch the television screen rather than do their homework.